Of course, like me, most of motorcyclists prefer to ride on bike without wearing a helmet. This is a free country. However, let come to reality concerning about your life.
There are few examples of how helmet laws have had effect on rider's lives.
* California's helmet use law covering all riders took effect on January 1, 1992. Helmet use jumped to 99 percent from about 50 percent before the law.
During the same period, the number of motorcyclist fatalities in California decreased 37 percent to 327 in 1992 from 523 in 1991.15
* Nebraska reinstated a helmet law on January 1, 1989, after repealing an earlier law in 1977. The state then saw a 22 percent reduction in motorcyclist serious head injuries.
* From 1968 to 1977, Texas had a universal helmet use law estimated to have saved 650 lives, but the law was amended in 1977 to apply only to riders younger than 18. The weakened law coincided with a 35 percent increase in motorcyclist fatalities. Then, Texas reinstated its helmet law for all motorcyclists in September 1989. The month before the law took effect, the helmet use rate was 41 percent. The rate jumped to 90 percent during the first month of the law and had risen to 98 percent by June 1990. Serious injury crashes per registered motorcycle decreased 11 percent. But in September 1997, Texas again weakened its helmet law, requiring helmets only for riders younger than 21. Helmet use in Texas dropped to 66 percent by May 1998, and operator fatalities increased 31 percent in the first full year following the repeal.
* Kentucky repealed its universal helmet law in 1998, followed by Louisiana in 1999. These actions resulted in lower helmet use, and quickly increased motorcyclist deaths in these states by 50 percent and 100 percent, respectively.
* In 2000, Florida's universal helmet law was weakened to exempt riders 21 and older who have at least $10,000 of medical insurance coverage. An Institute study found that the motorcyclist death rate in Florida increased by about 25 percent after the state weakened its helmet law. The death rate rose from 31 fatalities per 1,000 crash involvements before the law change (1998-99) to 39 fatalities per 1,000 crash involvements after (2001-2002).
An estimated 117 deaths could have been prevented during 2001-02 if the law had not been changed. An evaluation of the Florida law change by NHTSA found a similar effect; motorcyclist deaths per 10,000 motorcycle registrations increased 21 percent during the two years after the law was changed compared with the two years before.
Helmet laws definitely helps the casualty and death rates in this country.
In my sense, most of riders prefer helmet use is not mandatory; while helmet-related businesses have tried to push the legislators with casualty figures. As a rider, I do not want to get a road ticket, because I do not wear an DOT approved helmet.
October 29, 2009
Why Motorcycle Helmet Law is necessary? DOT & ECE
October 28, 2009
My Friends! Listen to My Favorite Song Today !
Special Today! Let me show you one of my favorite song!
Performed by Son Yanzi and Mai Kuraki. For more of them, please find them in youtube!
October 27, 2009
Opposed to ILLEGAL ROAD RACING! at 305 mph
October 25, 2009
October 23, 2009
Any Helmet Needs to be Replaced in every 3 years.
The most important part of a helmet is an expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam liner (which resembles Styrofoam) That is like those white packing box material when you buy a TV from Walmart. This EPS actually absorbs the energy of an impact. DOT standard requires 1 inch thickness of it.
In a crash, the polystyrene is permanently crushed, so if you hit your head with your motorcycle helmet on, the helmet is no more use to you than a baseball cap. The helmet may look just fine externally, perhaps just a small scratch, but it probably no longer has impact-absorption in that area. The important points that a motorcycle helmet should protect, according to the Snell institute, are the crown of your head, your temples particularly right behind your eye socket, and your jaw.
Your helmet should be replaced every 3 years. This makes sense when you understand that plastic foams do break down over time, just from exposure to sunlight. So make sure you replace you helmet on that timescale and more frequently. It is very simple to say. You get the white packing foam after you buy a TV and put it aside for 3 years in your garage. See how fragile it can become.
October 21, 2009
How to Clean Your Motorcycle Helmet

To keep your helmet looking new and feeling comfortable, I recommend that you clean your helmet at least once a month. Please remember that your helmet is constructed of a variety of materials, so it is important to clean the various pieces in a manner to suit the given material.
1. The Outer Shell:
Only commonly available helmet or plastic cleaning products should be used to clean the exterior surface of your helmet. Automotive wax can be applied to protect the paint finish, but other harsh chemical should be avoided to keep from damaging the high-gloss finish.
2. Plastic Parts (including the shield)
Plastic parts should not be cleaned with anything containing solvents, including petrochemicals, as these agents are absorbed by the plastic material and may cause them to deteriorate and weaken over time. Acid or alkaline based corrosive cleaning agents, such as window cleaners containing ammonia, should also be avoided.
Shield must be clean always before riding to make sure the clear visibility. The shield should only be cleaned using a soft cloth or a cotton swab with cool water.
3. Comfort liner
Removable padding should be removed and washed by hand in cool water using a neutral cleaning agent or in a washing net in the washing machine. Fixed padding should be wiped with a damp cloth containing a neutral cleaning agent. After cleaning, all parts should be thoroughly dried out of direct sunlight in order to prevent the development of unpleasant odors.
4. EPS Liner
The EPS (expanded polystyrene) liner is neither solvent nor heat proof, so the liner must be treated with particular care during cleaning. It should be cleaned using only a damp cloth in order to avoid scratching.
October 20, 2009
My New Project - Helmet Featuring LED lights
It comes to my attention that few manufacturers and few brands have developed and innovated the LED lights on the helmets. Therefore, I start a new helmet project featuring LED lights with my teams. It is the time for brain-drain or bring good ideas together on this from riders. If any good ideas and thoughts about this helmet LED lights, please feel free to email or contact me, so that we can create a better products.
I need to spend time to work with my teams for battery support, electronic circuit, wiring, materials, timeframe, light designs, and others...
October 18, 2009
Motorcycle Accident Deaths Increase Steadily in US
In 2008, an analysis of federal accident reports has revealed a trend in motorcycle accident fatalities. Death rates from motorcycle crashes have steadily increased since state helmet laws were weakened approximately 10 years ago.
Most states used to require all motorcyclists to wear helmets. This began to change in 1985, when the federal government stopped withholding highway money from states without helmet laws. After this decision, the annual motorcycle accident death toll rose from 2,160 to 4,810 and the number of states with mandatory helmet laws dropped from 47 to 20.
Last year, the National Transportation Safety Board unanimously recommended that states require riders to wear helmets. Opponents of mandatory motorcycle helmet laws say that it is an individual's right to choose what to do with his or her body. Pennsylvania motorcycle helmet law does not require adults over the age of 21 to wear helmets.
October 17, 2009
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We have printed thousand of Masei stickers for welcoming blog readers to visit this blog! Totally FREE!!!
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You do not need to put any name if you do not want to give... Just a reachable address is good enough! Please always visit our site for free stuff! Subscribe our site if possible.
October 16, 2009
How a Helmet fits your head ?
To fit your head, you must measure your head with cm to make sure you buy the right size of the motorcycle helmet. (see the size table) fitting is important to retention for your safety.
Most helmets come with advice for fit and sizing. Most dealer accessory-sales personnel also have some training in fitting a helmet. Basically, the helmet should fit snugly so that it is stable when you shake your head side-to-side, front-to-back or up and down.
A full-face helmet should grip your cheeks and jaw as well as the top and sides of your head. A helmet that is too loose may come off in a crash, and one that is too tight will be uncomfortable (see the next section for more detail). If it only contacts the top of your head, that will soon become uncomfortable. Proper fit means that it is snug enough that your skin moves with it when you try to move the helmet on your head.

For example, Open Face or Short helmets, which do not usually hold faces, will fit riders easily. Before buying, you should wear the helmet to make sure the correct fitting.
Though my preferred helmet is size M, I need an L in another model from the different maker and occasionally find a Medium that fits comfortably too. On the other hand, I can wear S-sized open face helmet comfortably.
Skull Motorcycle Helmet in Mass Production
This week starts the trade show of Motorcycle Helmet in Guangzhou, Canton and I am one of the guests. Later, I visited and inspected few OEM makers in that area. I shot a short movie of their mass production.
I found this good-looking skull graphics in mass production! This skull graphics used in helmet have been popular these months and are posted in all kinds of helmets such as motorcycle, bicycle, and cross.
October 10, 2009
China Motorcycle OEM Makers Scares & Threatens US and Japanese motorcycle market
In China, a cheap bike is sold for only US$250-450, similar to the price of any Icon helmet. Chinese people are starting seeing motorcycles as a form of recreation; not just simply a life utility. Their quality and style is catching up in coming 10 years. In future, when their manufacturers have started exporting to the third-world countries and then soon the motorcycle world will face a significant change. Just like Japanese cars invaded into US market and bankrupted GM and Chyrsler. US, Japanese, and European countries are trying to stop their imports with emission and other regulations, but can not stop them to export to developing countries. As I image, a China-made Harley Davidson kind of lookng bikes will only cost riders only around US$1000.

See the facts.
1. There are more than 130 motorcycle manufacturers in China
2. Chongqing-based manufacturers produced 10 million units
3. Twenty-three Chinese OEMs each produce more than 100,000 units annually
4. Twelve manufacturers produce more than 500,000 units a year
5. At least five manufacturers produce more than 1 million units a year (four are based in Chongqing)
6. China produced 27.5 million bikes in 2008, nearly half the world's production
7. China has passed Japan as the number-one motorcycle producer
8. More than 15 million motorcycles are sold annually in China
9. Less than 20% of China's production goes to foreign markets
10. Chinese bikes sold in export markets like America are often marketed by independent companies operating under different names
October 8, 2009
Chinese Motorcycle Show: Babes and Bikes - Hot Girls
There was a motorcycle bike tradefair in Chongqing, China, last week to peruse the latest offerings from the Chinese motorcycle market at the China International Motorcycle Trade Exhibition. Known as the 2009 CIMA Motor Show, this is China’s sole national-level bike show. There were some hot Chinese Motorcycle Babes!
October 2, 2009
The Hurt Report - Motorcycle Crash Analysis
To talk about helmet design and performance with any measure of authority, we should first look at the kinds of accidents that actually occur. The Hurt Report, issued in '81, was the first, last and only serious study on real motorcycle accidents in the U.S. The study was done by some very smart, very reputable scientists and researchers at the University of Southern California. The Hurt researchers came to some surprising and illuminating conclusions—conclusions that have not been seriously challenged since.
First, about half of all serious motorcycle accidents happen when a car pulls in front of a bike in traffic. These accidents typically happen at very low speeds, with a typical impact velocity, after all the braking and skidding, below 25 mph. This was first revealed in the Hurt Report but has been recently backed up by two other studies, a similar one in Thailand and especially the COST 327 study done in the European Union, where people have fast bikes and like to ride very quickly on some roads with no speed limits at all.
Actual crash speeds are slow, but the damage isn't. These are serious, often fatal crashes. Most of these crashes happen very close to home. Because no matter where you go, you always leave your own neighborhood and come back to it. And making it through traffic-filled intersections—the ones near your home—is the most dangerous thing you do on a street motorcycle.
The next-biggest group of typical accidents happens at night, often on a weekend, at higher speeds. They are much more likely to involve alcohol, and often take place when a rider goes off the road alone. These two groups of accidents account for almost 75 percent of all serious crashes. So the accident we are most afraid of, and the one we tend to buy our helmets for—crashing at high speeds, out sport riding—is relatively rare.
Even though many motorcycles were capable of running the quarter-mile in 11 seconds (or less) and topping 140 mph back in '81, not one of the 900-odd accidents investigated in the Hurt study involved a speed over 100 mph. The "one in a thousand" speed seen in the Hurt Report was 86 mph, meaning only one of the accidents seen in the 900-crash study occurred at or above that speed. And the COST 327 study, done recently in the land of the autobahn, contained very few crashes over 120 kph, or 75 mph. The big lesson here is this: It's a mistake to assume that going really fast causes a significant number of accidents just because a motorcycle can go really fast.
Another eye-opener: In spite of what one might assume, the speed at which an accident starts does not necessarily correlate to the impact the head—or helmet—will have to absorb in a crash. That is, according to the Hurt Report and the similar Thailand study, going faster when you fall off does not typically result in your helmet taking a harder hit.
How can this be? Because the vast majority of head impacts occur when the rider falls off his bike and simply hits his head on the flat road surface. The biggest impact in a given crash will typically happen on that first contact, and the energy is proportional to the height from which the rider falls—not his forward speed at the time. A big highside may give a rider some extra altitude, but rarely higher than 8 feet. A high-speed crash may involve a lot of sliding along the ground, but this is not particularly challenging to a helmeted head because all modern full-face helmets do an excellent job of protecting you from abrasion.
In fact, the vast majority of crashed helmets examined in the Hurt Report showed that they had absorbed about the same impact you'd receive if you simply tipped over while standing, like a bowling pin, and hit your head on the pavement. Ninety-plus percent of the head impacts surveyed, in fact, were equal to or less than the force involved in a 7-foot drop. And 99 percent of the impacts were at or below the energy of a 10-foot drop.
Motorcycle of the Year - Ducati Triumph Street Triple R

Triumph Street Triple R
Triumph's Street Triple R is a fantastic sporting package with one of our favorite engines of all time. It's an elemental motorcycle but with major-league performance built in, and its fun-to-ride quotient is sky high.
Triumph had a good thing going when it unveiled the sweet Street Triple 675, a pared-down streetfighter version of the beloved Daytona 675 sportbike. The Street Triple’s finest feature is its soul-stirring three-cylinder engine that boasts a broad powerband and a symphonic exhaust note. The motor, re-tuned from the Daytona, has a predictable but powerful output that makes it accessible and unintimidating to riders of all skill levels yet is satisfying for even the saltiest veterans. Comfortable ergos – including a reasonably low seat height – and an eminently toss-able nature made it a staff darling, but we were a little disappointed it had some bargain-minded bits to keep the retail figure low.
The Street Triple R was introduced just last year, replete with the Daytona’s up-spec fully adjustable suspension and potent radial-mount Nissin brake calipers, alleviating all of our concerns. The result is an invigorating and versatile roadster that stickers for less than $10K. Lofting the front wheel is a snap, and before you know it you’ll be drifting out the back end like an inspired Brit hooligan. And on your favorite twisty back road, its friendly yet potent character is almost unbeatable, proving that no one really needs triple-digit horsepower peaks.